Thobile Nyembe

Thobile Nyembe

Thobile Nyembe completed her Early Childhood Development NQF4 at Sparrow FET College at the end of 2019 and is currently working at the Children’s Communication Centre a school of language and impairment, where she did her workplace based training. She thrived in this position and was, therefore, offered a fulltime job. The people running the school have also recommended that Thobile study further, to one day, become a Child Psychologist. Since studying at the FET Thobile’s life has changed dramatically as she is now able to support her family, without having to be reliant on anyone else for an income source. Congratulations Thobile, your passion and drive for your career are truly admirable.

1 comment

  • Obvious Mthulisi

    Thobile is a remarkable individual, I aspire to follow in her foot steps and surely make it in life as she has done.

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