History, Mission & Vision

History and Mission of the College



Sparrow FET College forms part of the Sparrow Schools Educational Trust (the Trust).  Established in 1990, the Trust is a multi-faceted, non-government organisation. The mission is to bring accredited schooling to cognitively impaired and disenfranchised youth. In 2011, the Trust expanded its organisation to address a wider range of needs to suit the South African environment. This included the creation of Sparrow FET College (the College).
The College is a social enterprise. It provides fully funded, accredited programmes to mainstream, disadvantaged youth of South Africa. Learners also receive on-the-job training. Sparrow FET College collaborates with various industries to identify skills shortages within companies. The College partners with other social projects and programmes to source and recruit mainstream, unskilled and unemployed youth. This includes persons with disabilities. The purpose is to upskill South African youth enabling them to become contributing members of the economy. An in-house psychometrist assesses the learners before they are accepted into the college to ensure that they will be able to cope with the programme for which they are applying.


Sparrow FET College understands the value of providing the learner with a reliable understanding of the theory behind the skill Thus, the learner can apply the knowledge to become a competent worker in the given work environment.  We adopt a theory, practice and real-world, on the job approach to skills development.   In the classroom, the learner covers the theoretical content in a simulated workplace environment. Here they learn and apply practical skills. The learner can then practise these skills during their workplace-based practical training. While the learners are in the workplace, Job coaches track and mentor them. Workplace mentors impart industry-specific knowledge to the learners about the given field.
Due to the growth in 2019, the College saw the need to expand its services to include three new departments; Statistics, Internal Recruitment and Learner Wellbeing.

Vision Statement

To be a leading training provider that addresses the skills deficit in South Africa through a specialised and inclusive educational training model.


Sparrow FET College is a social enterprise that provides reputable and accredited education and training to the unskilled and unemployed youth of South Africa.  By developing skills through theoretical and workplace-based practical training, we address the critical skills deficit within various industries and enable our students to become income generators and make meaningful contributions to their communities and society.

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