Pako Modiane Kelebogile Rampa

Pako Modiane Kelebogile Rampa

” I have gained invaluable knowledge from Sparrow, which has helped me advance in my career. Sparrow nurtured me and prepared me for the workplace for which I am extremely grateful. Mr. Toffiek , along with the job coaches who placed me for my practical’s, gave me sound advice. It is my hope that I made them proud! “

“Having left Sparrow FET College, I have accomplished a lot in my academic career and personal life, I have improved my ability to communicate and respond to others with understanding, respect and acceptance. Using a computer has improved my typing skills tremendously. Sparrow FET College has had a significant impact on my life, I was in the Human Resources Department after my practical. I am extremely that Sparrow FET College has prepared me for the workplace”

“I would like to thank Sparrow FET College and Macmillian Education South Africa for changing my life and making me a contributor to society”

Well Done Pako, we are proud of you.



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