This qualification recognises the competencies required to work effectively within the tyre retreading and servicing industries. Individuals who achieve this qualification in terms of the tyre retreading specialisation area will be able to carry out all aspects of the retreading process within a particular retreading context and to meet quality and quantity requirements. Qualifying learners will have the skills, knowledge and values to:
- Inspect and select tyres suitable for retreading
- Prepare the casing through the removal of old rubber to achieve the required profile
- Perform a range of repair techniques to restore the integrity of the casing
- Apply new tread
- Cure and perform final finishing and inspection of the retreaded tyre
Competencies acquired for the tyre retreading specialisation area may be assessed in terms of either the Hot or the Precure retreading process and in the following tyre contexts:
- Passenger vehicle tyres
- Light or heavy commercial vehicle tyres
- Agricultural machine/equipment tyres
- Off-the-road (OTR) machine/equipment tyres
TITLE: | National Certificate: Tyre Repair and Maintenance NQF 2 |
SAQA ID: | 61809 |
PROGRAMME DURATION: | 1 200 Hours (30% theory 70% work based practical learning) |
CREDITS: | 120 |
- Perform routine tasks related to tyre retreading/tyre servicing and repair processes.
- Use and care for tools, accessories, equipment and materials.
- Collect and use information and communicate issues related to tyre retreading/tyre servicing and repair processes.
- Contribute to maintaining a safe and productive work environment.
- Candidates must be between 18 – 29 years of age
- Candidates must be a South African citizen
- Minimum passed Grade 12 with Pure Mathematics/Mathematics Literacy and Physical Science with a minimum 40 % pass mark
Core | 25229 | Plan, organise and manage own activities in the organisation | Level 1 | NQF Level 01 | 2 |
Core | 13222 | Deal with safety, health and environmental emergencies in the workplace | Level 2 | NQF Level 02 | 4 |
Core | 12465 | Develop a learning plan and a portfolio for assessment | Level 2 | NQF Level 02 | 6 |
Core | 12466 | Explain the individual`s role within business | Level 2 | NQF Level 02 | 4 |
Core | 13220 | Keep the work area safe and productive | Level 2 | NQF Level 02 | 8 |
Core | 13258 | Participate in work group activities | Level 2 | NQF Level 02 | 4 |
Core | 12463 | Understand and deal with HIV/AIDS | Level 2 | NQF Level 02 | 3 |
Core | 9879 | Use and care for tools and equipment | Level 2 | NQF Level 02 | 10 |
Fundamental | 119463 | Access and use information from texts | Level 2 | NQF Level 02 | 5 |
Fundamental | 9009 | Apply basic knowledge of statistics and probability to influence the use of data and procedures in order to investigate life related problems | Level 2 | NQF Level 02 | 3 |
Fundamental | 12461 | Communicate at work | Level 2 | NQF Level 02 | 5 |
Fundamental | 7480 | Demonstrate understanding of rational and irrational numbers and number systems | Level 2 | NQF Level 02 | 3 |
Fundamental | 9008 | Identify, describe, compare, classify, explore shape and motion in 2-and 3-dimensional shapes in different contexts | Level 2 | NQF Level 02 | 3 |
Fundamental | 119454 | Maintain and adapt oral/signed communication | Level 2 | NQF Level 02 | 5 |
Fundamental | 7469 | Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal and community life | Level 2 | NQF Level 02 | 2 |
Fundamental | 9007 | Work with a range of patterns and functions and solve problems | Level 2 | NQF Level 02 | 5 |
Fundamental | 119456 | Write/present for a defined context | Level 2 | NQF Level 02 | 5 |
Elective | 9874 | Direct, receive and communicate with customers on the forecourt | Level 2 | NQF Level 02 | 4 |
Elective | 120313 | Investigate work opportunities in order to make a personal employment or work decision | Level 2 | NQF Level 02 | 2 |
Elective | 9268 | Manage basic personal finance | Level 2 | NQF Level 02 | 6 |
Elective | 114902 | Operate a computer in a Wholesale/Retail outlet | Level 2 | NQF Level 02 | 6 |
Elective | 12484 | Perform basic fire fighting | Level 2 | NQF Level 02 | 4 |
Elective | 12483 | Perform basic first aid | Level 2 | NQF Level 02 | 4 |
Elective | 256176 | Remove and replace off-the-road (OTR) wheels and tyres | Level 2 | NQF Level 02 | 8 |
Elective | 9867 | Remove and replace wheels and tyres, and balance wheels | Level 2 | NQF Level 02 | 2 |
Elective | 12213 | Select and use automobile lifting equipment | Level 2 | NQF Level 02 | 3 |
Elective | 15100 | Check and adjust steering geometry | Level 3 | NQF Level 03 | 4 |
Elective | 9868 | Demonstrate knowledge of, and rectify faults in motor vehicle tyres and wheels | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 7 |
Elective | 9865 | Remove and replace wheels and tyres from industrial machines and equipment | Level 5 | NQF Level 05 | 10 |
Elective | 9864 | Repair and replace light and heavy commercial vehicle tyres | Level 6 | NQF Level 06 | 17 |
Elective | 9869 | Repair punctures and fit tyres to wheels | Level 7 | NQF Level 07 | 9 |