NATIONAL CERTIFICATE: Furniture Making : Wood NQF 2


The purpose of the qualification is to provide learners with the standards required to satisfy the challenges of
participating indusrty. This qualification has been developed to assist with standardisation across the furniture
industry. This will allow persons to achieve recognition as a furniture maker, and lay a foundation for future
career advancement across similar trades and to supervisory and management qualifications within the sector.

The learner will have an understanding of the furniture industry and how he or she should operate within the
legislative, safety and quality systems which govern the workplace. It will also equip learners with a foundation
for further intellectual development, opportunities for gainful employment and reward for contributions to

TITLE : National Certificate : Furniture Making : Wood NQF 2
SAQA ID : 49091
PROGRAMME DURATION : 1 390 Training Hours (30% Theory 70 % Work based practical learning)

On completion of this qualification learners are able to:

  1. Identify and solve problems in relation to the production of furniture within their work area.
  2. Communicate and work effectively with colleagues and supervisors, so that furniture production processes are
    carried out safely and to the required standard.
  3. Demonstrate scientific and technological competence in the carrying out of furniture production processes.
  4. Organise and manage him/herself and his/her activities responsibly and effectively to ensure work is carried
    out according to quality and performance requirements, without compromising safety for self and colleagues.
  5. Understand the world as a set of related systems by recognising that problem-solving contexts do not exist in
    isolation, that when performing furniture making operations that they do not pose a safety risk and that
    failure to maintain rate and quality of production will negatively impact upon all parts of the furniture
    production cycle.



  1. Candidates must be between 18 – 29 years of age
  2. Candidates must be a South African citizen
  3. Minimum passed Grade 9
  4. BOTH English and Mathematics must be at ABET Level 2



Core 9964  Apply health and safety to a work area Level 2 3
Core 117416  Comply with good housekeeping practices Level 2 4
Core 9882  Read and interpret basic engineering drawings Level 2 8
Fundamental 8963  Access and use information from texts Level 2 5
Fundamental 9009  Apply basic knowledge of statistics and probability to influence the use of data and procedures in order to investigate life related problems Level 2 3
Fundamental 7480  Demonstrate understanding of rational and irrational numbers and number systems Level 2 3
Fundamental 8962  Maintain and adapt oral communication Level 2 5
Fundamental 12444  Measure, estimate and calculate physical quantities and explore, describe and represent geometrical relationships in 2-dimensions in different life or workplace contexts Level 2 3
Fundamental 8967  Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes Level 2 5
Fundamental 7469  Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal and community life Level 2 2
Fundamental 9007  Work with a range of patterns and functions and solve problems Level 2 5
Fundamental 8964  Write for a defined context Level 2 5
Elective 117147  Perform breakout operations Level 2 16
Elective 117165  Produce basic hand crafted furniture Level 2 22
Elective 117152  Produce machine sanded timber and board product components and products Level 2 16
Elective 117159  Produce planed timber product components and products Level 2 10
Elective 117145  Produce sawn timber and board product components and products Level 2 16
Elective 117144  Produce straight laminated timber and board components Level 2 8
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