FET CERTIFICATE: Sports Coaching for juniors/ beginners NQF 4


The qualification aims to develop appropriate skills and knowledge required for coaching children and youth or beginners to sport. Ensure that coaching practices adhere to sound principles drawn from sport science. Establish sound ethical practices in behaviours in the context of sport. Prepare the learner to access further training in sport coach education and international accreditation towards a professional career as a sports coach in a chosen sport code.

TITLE : FET Certificate : Sports Coaching for juniors/ beginners NQF 4
SAQA ID : 64369
PROGRAMME DURATION : 1 620 Training hours (30% Theory 70% Work based practical learning)

On completion of this qualification learners are able to:

  1. Operate in the sport environment.
  2. Apply sport science principles to fitness conditioning for sport.
  3. Conduct coaching according to operational requirements.
  4. Maintain operational sports coaching duties.


  1. Candidates must be between 18 – 29 years of age
  2. Candidates must be a South African citizen
  3. Minimum passed Grade 12
  4. Either English OR Mathematics must be at ABET Level 3



Core 116534 Carry out basic first aid treatment in the workplace 3 2
Core 255818  Perform rescue breathing and cardio-pulmonary resuscitation 3 2
Core 243297  Apply knowledge of anatomy and physiology to exercise training 4 5
Core 258719  Apply the principles of exercise training 4 6
Core 260120  Apply the principles of sport coaching 4 5
Core 8555  Contribute to information distribution regarding HIV/AIDS in the workplace 4 4
Core 254456  Explain the principles of physical activity in the context of sport or fitness 4 3
Core 243301  Manage safety and emergency incidences 4 6
Core 260123  Plan practice sessions and teach basic motor skills 4 6
Core 258721  Promote an awareness of nutrition principles for sport and physical activity 4 4
Core 9242  Analyse external factors influencing people who have special needs 5 4
Core 254457  Develop and implement team ethical behaviour and discipline 5 5
Core 258724  Operate professionally in a sport, recreation or fitness environment 5 3
Fundamental 119472  Accommodate audience and context needs in oral/signed communication 3 5
Fundamental 119466  Interpret a variety of literary texts 3 5
Fundamental 119457  Interpret and use information from texts 3 5
Fundamental 119465  Write/present/sign texts for a range of communicative contexts 3 5
Fundamental 9015  Apply knowledge of statistics and probability to critically interrogate and effectively communicate findings on life related problems 4 6
Fundamental 119462  Engage in sustained oral/signed communication and evaluate spoken/signed texts 4 5
Fundamental 119469  Read/view, analyse and respond to a variety of texts 4 5
Fundamental 9016  Represent analyse and calculate shape and motion in 2-and 3-dimensional space in different contexts 4 4
Fundamental 119471  Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes 4 5
Fundamental 7468  Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal, business, national and international issues 4 6
Fundamental 119459  Write/present/sign for a wide range of contexts 4 5
Elective 244557  Coach athletics to children at primary school level 3 7
Elective 244559  Coach beginners in the game of netball 3 6
Elective 244562  Conduct basic coaching to beginners in cricket 3 7
Elective 244550  Conduct basic coaching to beginners of rugby 3 7
Elective 244552  Conduct basic coaching to beginners of football 4 8
Elective 254462  Maintain a sport or fitness environment and equipment 4 5
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