5 tips to make your LinkedIn profile stand out

5 tips to make your LinkedIn profile stand out

Having an impressive professional profile on LinkedIn is perhaps more important now than ever. With both job seekers and recruiters confined to their homes in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, now is the time to make sure your LinkedIn profile stands out among the rest.

Here are five tips to help you take your LinkedIn presence to the next level.

1. Make your profile picture and headline count

When searching for potential candidates, recruiters will scour the platform using specific search criteria. When you’re just one face among a sea of others, you want to grab their attention, which is why your profile picture and headline – the two things potential employers will see first – are especially important.

First off, you’ll want to use a photo that conveys an air of professionalism. Your other social media profiles can be fun, but as far as LinkedIn goes, you’ll want to use a photo in which you are dressed the way you would for an interview.

Your headline gives you the chance to add to that first impression – it appears right beneath your name in search results.

Headlines usually employ a standard format: (Job title) at (Company). Keep in mind that recruiters will use specific search terms when looking for candidates to fill a position, and try to use that to your advantage. Stick to standard job descriptions like “Educator”, “Sales Manager” or “End User and Output Services Manager”. If you aren’t currently employed, still list your area of expertise, but leave the company you work for blank. Change you headline by clicking on “Edit profile” and then clicking right beneath your name.

2. Use keywords in your “Skills” section

Again, you’ll want to use search algorithms to your advantage. LinkedIn lets you list up to 50 skills, and adding keywords that potential employers will use when searching for appropriate candidates will be to your benefit here. Not sure what to list? Google “skills + (your job title)” for suggestions.

3. Recommendations give you credibility

A sure-fire way to stand out among other people vying for the same position is to add recommendations to your LinkedIn profile. These can be from previous employers or from colleagues – here’s how to solicit recommendations from people you know.

4. Find inspiration from other LinkedIn profiles

If you’re an assistant chef looking to boost your LinkedIn profile, check out the way your peers are presenting themselves on the platform. Search for other people in the hospitality industry and take a page from their books – you might just come across skills that you have forgotten about. Of course, you shouldn’t just copy someone else’s profile word for word, but garnering inspiration from the outside helps to ensure that there’s nothing you’ve missed.

5. List your accomplishments

When listing your previous jobs, make sure to mention specific accomplishments, rather than only listing what you were responsible for. Here are a few guidelines.

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